Reality Check    [2024]



May 2     

To all Swedish news outlets:  It doesn't matter, if you're writing op–ed's or articles about corruption, crime, or any other topic  –  it's too little too late!

  •  You follow, with a [safe] half step behind.

  •  Regardless of your "safe topic", the narrative doesn't belong to you.

  •  You should be truthful, but you're not.

  •  You're passing on rumors and lies, on purpose.

  •  You're not 'building', you're destroying.

  •  You're part of the problem, not the solution.

To this day, the topics brought forward here [on this website] have yet to be addressed on a serious, mature and honest level, anywhere in Sweden. These topics simply don't exist.

Again, I will let you know if anything of this changes. Promise!

May 1     

This week, Swedish domestic news are paying attention to the widespread, long–time, corruption within the Swedish Police.

April 19     

Weasel Words  [försåtliga referenser]

TT via GöteborgsPosten:  "En man från en kommun norr om Stockholm har av Norrtälje tingsrätt dömts till sju och ett halvt års fängelse för bland annat grov våldtäkt mot barn och barnpornografibrott."  […]  "Han ska också betala 600 000 kronor i skadestånd och 50 000 kronor till brottsoffret."

•  Weasel word [försåtlig referens] #1:  "En man" [a man]

•  Weasel word [försåtlig referens] #2:  "En kommun" [a city]

•  The amount of '600 000 kronor' is [assumed] to be paid to the state, as a fine.

•  The amount of '50 000 kronor' is to be paid to the victim [child].

Nowhere in this article is the perpetrator, or location, mentioned by name

This kind of reporting is standard procedure and it's always been like this.

TT:  Tidningarnas Telegrambyrå

GöteborgsPosten:  Local "newspaper" [Gothenburg]

April 12     

To Olivia  &  Malin M "af Stampen":  This, won't go away ladies.

April 11     

Scandinavian Cruelty

The only semi–corrupt medical cannabis clinic in Scandinavia?

After all this time:  No progress. Everything is the same. No development for the better. The logistics for getting the medication to Copenhagen falter. Still no answers to our previous questions. Et cetera.

In my opinion, the best thing for everyone at this point would be to shut down the clinic. This would give everyone involved the motivation to do something; something that would be good for all.

Currently, someone is really going out of their way to show how unprofessional and unreliable everything is.

This is good   …out in the open and into the light!

Someone wants to show who's in charge.

This is very immature   …but also very expected.

April 7     

To all Swedish news outlets:  The real Russia is not your enemy.
What you're chasing, and are scared of, is a ghost – a ghost of your own projection.

♪  ♫     Рок н Ролл     ♫  ♪


Ingegerd Astrid of Ukraine & Elisabeth Ellisif Yaroslavna of Norway

(follow the 'red thread')

April 2     

Today, in Swedish state media, we were told that Ukrainian doctors and other medical personnel are taking a break from their current duties [in Ukraine], so they can enjoy a couple of weeks vacation and rest here in Sweden. This is the fourth time they're able to do this since what is ocurring in Ukraine started. The person interviewed seemed very happy.

March 9     

It's being reported that the [fascist] state of Sweden—some even call it 'the old German colony of Schweden' (you'd wonder why)—will now [again] continue its "aid" to the UNRWA.

It's almost as if there are [at least] two "Schweden", one for them, one for 'the others', and so on – wouldn't you say?

Achtung, meine freunde!

January 1     

Dragging your feet and stalling for time:  While the above graph can be considered funny, it can also not be considered funny.

If you follow [stay behind] for too long, you'll never lead [be able to catch up].

…and you never did.

It is what it is, until it isn't.

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Past Due

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